Volume 2, Number 27 (7/3/2000 to 7/9/2000)
- Commentary on Matthew, Appendix B by: Dr. Knox Chamblin
The Events of Passion Week: a Suggested Chronology
RPM Volume 2, Number 27, 7/3/2000
Format: Webpage
Topic: Gospels and Acts - Richard Baxter, part 2 by: Rev. Lynell Friesen
Baxter's Work and Thought
RPM Volume 2, Number 27, 7/3/2000
Format: Webpage
Topic: Modern Church - The Reunited Kingdom, part 9 by: Dr. Richard L. Pratt, Jr.
The Reign of Hezekiah, part 9: Hezekiah's Inconsistencies during the Assyrian Invasion, part 3: Hezekiah's Inconsistent Pride; Hezekiah's Inconsistent Alliance; Closure of Hezekiah's Reign (2 Chronicles 32:24-33)
RPM Volume 2, Number 27, 7/3/2000
Format: Webpage
Topic: Historical Books - Rejoice, God is at Work in You! by: Rev. Russell B. Smith
A sermon on Philippians 2:12-18
RPM Volume 2, Number 27, 7/3/2000
Format: Webpage
Topic: Pauline Epistles